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Communication Topics Research Paper
Friday, August 28, 2020
Psych journal review Essay Example
Psych diary survey Essay In finishing Part 1 you will: Select a distributed insightful article from a lot of pre-affirmed, proof based, peer-looked into Journal articles situated in the study hall Resources Folder named, Evidence-Based Journal Articles and clarify why the chose article was important to you; Demonstrate information on the best way to appropriately refer to the chose articles author(s), year of distribution, title, and in what Journal it was distributed, in consistence with PAP designing guidelines; Describe the examination strategy utilized by the chose articles author(s); Summarize the chose articles key focuses adhering to the task directions; Part 1 Instructions: To evade point misfortune, make certain to peruse all consecutively and cautiously and dont Jump ahead to address questions. We will compose a custom exposition test on Psych diary survey explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Psych diary audit explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Psych diary audit explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer From the Resources suborder in the study hall named, Evidence-Based Journal Articles (get to it by first clicking Resources, at that point clicking this suborder title, select an article from ONE of the envelope classifications. NOTE: This task requires the utilization of ONE article as it were. Focuses conceivable per task segment are incorporated beneath. Your teacher will allot guides dependent on the degree toward which your reactions are guidelines agreeable and exact, and verbalized plainly, concisely and altogether (that is, did you answer all pieces of each question accurately and with sufficient detail), recorded as a hard copy that fulfills school level correspondence guidelines and shows information on the area and substance of key article parts. All answers must be your unique words or summarizes of material in your chose article or the an infringement of the University strategy on scholastic uprightness and will void all focuses for this task with no alternative for update and accommodation. Enter your name and tuned ID here: Then react to the accompanying concisely and altogether in the spaces underneath. NOTE: You should finish your work in this record, spare and append it to the PSYCHIC Journal Article Review Assignment Part 1 study hall Assignment page; while you might need to do as such as a back-up, content glued into the task page Student Comments space can't be acknowledged as a substitute for an on-time connection accommodation and can't be evaluated. Embeddings your answers here will change the quantity of record pages and the area of specific things at the top, center or base of pages. While you may not expel or reorder things or change text dimension or other substance in this record, a report page number increment or a thing moving from or to the top, center or base of a page because of your reaction passages straightforwardly underneath every thing as required taking a larger number of lines by and large than the little space as of now demonstrating is normal and isn't of concern. ARTICLE IDENTIFICATION 10 focuses conceivable NOTE: Both Number 1 and Number 2 beneath must be finished to acquire these focuses 1 . In the space beneath clarify why you picked the article you chose for this task from the study hall Resources envelope. Incorporate a portrayal of shouldn't something be said about the focal point of the article you picked caught your advantage and why. I picked Smoking conduct and persuasive adaptability in light and overwhelming smokers, (Darrel Lobe 2012) on the grounds that I have never comprehended why individuals decided to smoke. You realize that smoking is awful for your wellbeing when you begin smoking and you realize it is difficult to stopped so for what reason do individuals at any point begin smoking in any case? This article caught my advantage since I work with many individuals that smoke and have been smoking or years and I generally thought about what their inspiration was to smoke. I have likewise consistently thought about whether there were sure triggers that made them, ache for, a cigarette. I think realizing why individuals smoke and what directs when they do it would be instructive. 2. PAP Citation Format Show in the spaces beneath how you would source credit and reference-list (in PAP organizing style), on the off chance that you were composing a conventional paper, the article you chose in the body of the paper and in a Reference list that would be connected to the furthest limit of the paper (for instances of how to accurately source credit in PAP arranging style see the lassoer Resources organizer entitled, PAP Formatting Guides): a. I would source credit my chose article in the body of a paper as follows: (Darrel Lobe, 2012, p. B. I would reference-list my chose article in Reference list that would be appended to the furthest limit of a paper as follows Darrel, S. Projection, M. (2012) Smoking conduct and persuasive adaptability in light and overwhelming smokers. Addictive Behaviors. Recovered from HTTPS://edge. Creation. Du/get to/content/gathering/23259 6/Sample Bebehavior NUDFe: While Part 2 of the Journal Article Review task, which is expected n Week 6, in corporates least answer length prerequisites, here no base lengths are required for the things beneath in light of the fact that answer length may differ contingent upon the measure of clear detail your chose article incorporates and your answers will be evaluated for carefulness, exactness and lucidity in covering article subtleties. It is normal, in any case, that none of the accompanying things can be enough tended to in less than 100 words. You answers must be verbalized in complete idea sentences and exclude records, bullbilletedms or sentence sections. ARTICLE SUMMARY 40 focuses conceivable 1. Presentation (likewise alluded to as lead-in data) In the space underneath sum up the key initial focuses made in the start of your chose article Note: In certain articles this data is under the heading Introduction and in others it isn't, yet every article will contain lead-in early on data. A portion of the key early on focuses made in the start of this article are altogether the significant impediments to smoking. It examines the negative wellbeing and even athletic impacts that smoking can be to a smoker. It then tatetastest despite the fact that individuals are very much aware of the wellbeing dangers they are as yet headed to smoke and many don't stop on account of a nicotine habit. It additionally talks about a portion of the triggers that may cause individuals to feel as if they need a cigarette right at that point and now. It likewise examines that occasionally smoking is to a greater degree a social requirement for a few and not so much a hankering or fixation. The scientists were additionally attempting to fgurfigure the persuasive adaptability that individuals have corresponding to when they smoke. 2. Examination Methods a. Portray the examination plan that your chose articles author(s) utilized in onduinducting study (Ex: overview or stock, individual or gathering meeting, contextual analysis, research facility controlled or naturalistic perception). I for one imagine that the specialists in this article picked reviews as their exploration structure. With the numerous understudies they had partake in this examination it was anything but difficult to them to review them through a computerized framework through an overview. They were sent the connection to a webpweapon had their members audit their day by day cigarette admission and report what number of they had each day for about fourteen days. The understudies could choose what number of igarcigarettesy had then they had open finished inquiries where they could expand on it. They announced every day how regularly they smoked and afterward they were asked inquiries regarding for what good reason they smoked or why they decided not to smoke. b. IBentify by name in the space beneath a particular measures (studies, inventories, tests, and so on ) utilized by your chose articles author(s) in the investigation (Ex: the Psychological Distress Symptom Checklist; the Minnesota MultMultiphasesonality Inventory; the created by the article author[s]). The scientists in this article picked information coding to help sort out their information. They likewise utilized an extraordinary programming called PsycPsychiatry> With this particular measure they had the option to help code the thought processes that individuals needed to smoke and what number of cigarettes were related with the rationale day by day. It assisted with choosing certain reasons that individuals smoke so the members could pick from a class and not have a basic yes/no answer. It had the option to follow throughout the everyday changes in the members inspiration to have a cigarette. It additionally helped that members to have the option to explain why they decided to not have a cigarette and it showed that information close by the information of the smokers of that day. . Depict in the space underneath attributes of the members (now and again called subjects) engaged with the examination study directed by the author(s) of your chose article. Instances of this kind of data include: The quantity of people who partook; member socioeconomics (age, sex, race and ethnicity, school or work status, geographic area); regardless of whether members were paid to partake in the investigation or if no pay was given to them to their interest One hundred willing and chipping in undergrads took part in the examination. All members were between the ages of 18-28 with the middle age being 20. The members were nearly part similarly male and female. Numerous ethnethnicityticipated in the investigation to incorporate; European American, Asian American/Pacific Islander, Latino/Hispanic, African American and understudies that distinguished themselves as other. So by and large the gathering of understudies that took an interest were a wide scope old enough, sexual orientation and ethnicity. The analysts assisted with giving better proof by guaranteeing that a wide range of understudies were engaged with the investigation. 3. Discoveries/Analysis a. Recognize in the space beneath the sorts of measurable investigations utilized by the author(s) of your chose article Note: You are likely not now in your school profession a specialist on factual examinations yet dont must be so as to
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Knowledge Management and Leadership System †
Question: Examine about the Knowledge Management and Leadership System. Answer: Presentation Vital Management frames a necessary piece of any association and it goes far in helping a firm to decide its way to future achievement. The given exposition will talk about different key administration apparatuses like PESTLE, SWOT and Michael Porters five powers comparable to the training business around the world. The organization picked explicitly with the end goal of this article is the Princeton University. The Princeton University is a private Ivy League Research University with explore offices. The college offers online courses too. The college offers different alumni, unhitched males and partners degree. The SWOT Analysis can be portrayed as a thorough examination which pays special mind to the Strength, shortcomings, Opportunities and Threats of a business inside a specific industry. The main role of leading a SWOT Analysis is to help in understanding the business status from an alternate edge which will be useful in the arranging procedure of the given association. SWOT Analysis is industry explicit and helps in carrying the association to the correct way. The quality might be depicted as the parts which are inward to an association inside a given industry (Ginter, Duncan and Swayne 2018). A business may have certain qualities which can be adjusted yet may require exertion from the side of the firm. For example, quality of Princeton University, inside the training business is be that the specific element has been in presence for a significant stretch of time since 1991 and has more than 84000 understudies. A shortcoming might be depicted as a segment which may control the firm from accomplishing its objectives. For example, a shortcoming might be that the University may have deficient offices or framework which is important to have for the online training impartment alongside physical classes. The open doors are factors lying in the outside piece of the association which implies that these elements are generally not in the hands of the enabled association yet need to affect it. An open door can be portrayed as that calculate present the association which may be able to demonstrate as a favorable position for the business whenever utilized. For example, an open door for Princeton University might be the ascent of e-realizing which can assist the given school with reaching out to a more extensive group base. The equivalent goes for danger, which is a figure present the outside condition of the firm and has the ability to upset its exercises (Grant 2016). A danger might be the ascent in the opposition among the different individuals from the Education Industry may not be useful for Princeton. Pestle investigation of Princeton University So as to comprehend the various elements which are available in the business condition, it is imperative to comprehend what the given elements speak to and how they can be utilized in the viable working of any business association (Bull et al. 2016). The given variables which structure a significant piece of the PESTLE examination are Political, Economical, Technological, Socio-Cultural Legal and natural components. Not exclusively does the recognizable proof of these components aid blunder acknowledgment, yet they additionally help in topping off the presentation hole that exists in an association. Specific Which means Princeton University (Education Industry) Political The Political Factor in a PESTLE Analysis alludes to the level of the mediation of an administration in a specific economy (Darmawan, Putra and Wiguna 2014). The legislature has the ability to set evaluating, swelling rate assurance, loan fees and other pertinent angles in an association which can help decide the working of any business. The international strategy dictated by the administration alongside different guidelines help in assurance of tasks. The Princeton University needs to comply with the instructive laws of the nation where the course is being granted. It additionally needs to consider the instruction service of the legislature and the standards with respect to the degree which is required to be granted. Efficient The efficient on-screen characters allude to the conversion standard, loan cost, joblessness rate and other important financial pointers. The different financial components will in general greatly affect the working of the business. The expense of import and fare is likewise controlled by the financial components that are available. The Princeton University needs to frame its courses and set up the charges structure contingent on the prerequisites of the present economy. On the off chance that it is obliging a rich economy, the courses can be evaluated high else not. Social The social considers that exist an association include different variables like the social and segment factors applicable in an association (Eden and Ackermann 2013). The different elements like profession qualities, populace will in general decide the comprehension of the advertisers and their future needs For Princeton University, the course subjects and the strategy for instructing concerning the coaches utilized in the recordings and in the classes would need to be founded on the way of life of the intended interest group and their language abilities. Legitimate The legitimate components include factors like the administrative guidelines and laws which are available and influence the consistence target of any business association (Morschett, Schramm-Klein and Zentes 2015) For example, for Princeton University, in the instruction enterprises there might be available different legitimate components which may affect the working of the association. The laws expressed by the administration may confine the instructive schools and universities to restrict the quantity of admissions and to decide the degree too (Merat and Bo 2013). Innovative The innovative elements comprise of the pace of adjustment of the different mechanical updates in an association. Different mechanical factors in nature are Research and Development action, computerization and advancement. Princeton University is now included an online based instructive foundation, it would need to continue refreshing its contributions and might attempt and presents an idea like that of an intelligent meeting which may offer ascent to a manageable bit of leeway. Moreover, propelled learning in the homerooms may likewise help. Condition In conclusion, the ecological components involve the different elements like the sustainable power source, utilization of different assets and administrations which may harmfully affect the association and on the maintainability of the business. Princeton University would require guaranteeing that its practices are not unscrupulous and follows the web security arrangements expressed to evade mischief to any gatherings (Frynas and Mellahi 2015). Doormen Five Forces Model of Princeton University Michael Porter had built up a five powers model to distinguish and manage the outer elements that are available in the outside condition of the given business and will in general change the elements of the firm. The five powers that have been portrayed in the Porter's Model are the dealing intensity of the purchasers and providers, danger of substitute, danger of new contenders entering the business and the business contention (Johnson 2016). The Porter's five powers model are commonly viewed as important as the elements being talked about will in general affect the productivity of the organizations. Specific Which means Princeton University Purchaser's conduct The dealing intensity of the purchasers will in general decide the cost of the items that ought to be set by the firm so as to decide the pioneer position in the given market (Martinsuo 2013). Concerning the training business, particularly identified with Princeton University, the dealing intensity of the purchasers will be very high as they are presented to a wide assortment of decisions regarding the colleges and schools that they will apply (Kalkan and Bozkurt 2013). Consequently, an information on in this manner by the given schools and colleges would go far in deciding the systems of the various universities like that of Princeton college inside the business. Providers power In the event of the haggling intensity of the providers, the providers in the training business are the staff, educators, the supporters and different gatherings associated with the board of the schools, schools and colleges. The bartering intensity of the providers isn't high for an organization like Princeton University, as the quantity of providers in the given business is not many when contrasted with the quantity of purchasers. Subsequently, because of this their prerequisite isn't unreasonably high and they have to consent to whatever arrangements set by the given firm. Contention in the business The level of rivalry decides value wars and loss of the clients. There are different colleges and schools present like the Princeton University, Liverpool, Manchester and Harvard which need the best group. The danger of new substitutes. The danger of new substitute can be portrayed as the dread of the substitution of the item being offered by the maker. The danger of substitutes is moderate in the instructive business and has as of late risen on account of the advancement of the idea of electronic learning and separation realizing which has opened the entryways for an organization like Princeton University. The danger of new contestants The danger of contestants into the given business is moderate. In spite of the fact that the given instructive industry is an alluring one, there are different enactments which should be submitted to while going into the given business (Lasserre 2017) Princeton University needs to maintain different laws which give it simple tasks. End Thusly, from the given investigation of the var
Friday, August 21, 2020
Free Willy 2 Essay Example
Free Willy 2 Paper This film depends halfway on a genuine story of a hostage executioner whale named Keiko. Keiko additionally featured in parts of this film and continuations, until he turned out to be extremely wiped out and regardless of everybody help and concern he in the long run passed on. This is a contacting tale about a kid and his executioner whale. This was coordinated by Dwight H. Little. I plan to demonstrate through this movie, shot, music, sound, coordinating acting, narrating and so on , that people and non-people can shape a solid power of profound devotion and faithfulness. For this situation a stellar whale. Two years prior the kid Jesse helped the whale Willy to bounce into opportunity. Jesse makes an amazing most with his new parents, when his stepbrother Elvis shows up in light of the demise of their mom. During an outdoors trip Jesse meets Willy once more, as wel as his Indian companion Randolph. A delicate love creates among Jesse and Randolphs goddaughter Nadine. Unexpectedly a slammed oil big hauler imperils the whales, and a few creature and human lives must be spared too when the oil bursts into flames. The Genre for this film is Action/Adventure, Drama and Family. A film industry hit in (1995). The subjects are brave salvages, underhanded youngsters, vagrants. We will compose a custom exposition test on Free Willy 2 explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Free Willy 2 explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Free Willy 2 explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The tone is brilliant, humane, endearing, nostalgic, summery and warm. Corliss, Richard (1995)Prince of Whales. The chief and the remainder of the team did an astonishing activity, with the entirety of the various shots of the whales and the young men in the water riding the whales and playing under the water. They truly show the adoration between the kid and the whale. The narrating was entirely authentic. The entertainer who played the kid Jesse ( Jason James Richter) did an awesome activity with his character. The entirety of the scenes and shots were extremely inspiring. The music that was played all through is a tune titled, â€Å"Will You Be There†, sung by Michael Jackson. It would make you cry. Goodykoontz, B. amp; Jacobs, C. P.. (2011). The various sounds from Willy when he was with Jesse and the sounds from all of Willys family were consistent with life. Whales like people are exceptionally wise animals, they additionally are family arranged, they remain inside their family units forever. They can be faithful, adoring and empathetic to one another and people whenever given the opportunity. They ought not be pursued by people that are conceited. Whales have unfavorable criticism for a long time. They will possibly hurt in the event that you hurt them. In one of the scenes it shows certain people that need to urt Willy and he attacks them, yet doesn't hurt them terrible, on the grounds that Jesse converses with Willy. Pfeifer, Tom (1995). Jesse, Nadine and his relative get the whales out to security, however arent ready to spare themselves, when the big hauler detonates and the oil bursts into flames. Their pontoon hits a stone and be gins to sink while Glen, Annie his embraced guardians and companion Randolph set out to discover them in Randolphs vessel while calling for help. Nadine and Elvis are transported to security by a helicopter, however youthful Jesse can't hang on and falls over into the blazing water. The helicopter needs to leave. Willy shows up and takes Jesse under the flares to the ther side. There they happen upon the vessel with Jesses loved ones and they pull Jesse up to security. At long last the scene and shot was somewhat pitiful and simultaneously extremely positive and endearing. After Jesse is on the vessel, the flares continue voyaging further towards the pontoon. Willy makes certain sounds to Jesse as though to state and by the shot Willy would not like to leave Jesse. That is when Jesse made a specific development of his arm to Willy to make Willy go under and leave so the flares didnt reach Willy. Willy then comprehended and left. I feel that the manner in which this story was told and the data from assets and by e watching this film demonstrates that people and non-people, for this situation a whale can build up a solid obligation of dedication, love, empathy and correspondence. There are two additional spin-offs after this one that shows a similar love. References Corliss, Richard (1995) Prince of Whales. Recovered fromhttp://www. time. com/time/magazine/ar ticle Goodykoontz, B. ;amp; Jacobs, C. P. (2011) Film: Watching and Seeing, San Diego Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Recovered from http://content. ashford. edu Pfeifer, Tom (1995). Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home. Recovered from http://www. imdb. com/title/plotsummary
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Nuiances of Topic Examples for Essay
The Nuiances of Topic Examples for Essay The Tried and True Method for Topic Examples for Essay in Step by Step Detail The ideal thing about an argumentative essay which contains social issues is you may describe your private experience on the instance of the real-life case. On the flip side, the thesis will enable you to discuss this issue in the broader sense. At this point you have the 2 secrets together with the examples to locate essay, so now it ought not be an issue for you. To start with, your key to winning essay is a very clear comprehension of what it is you're likely to cope with. Consider your essay is limited with respect to word count. As any guide on the best way to compose a persuasive essay will inform you, your essay has to be organized in paragraphs with a logical progression from 1 paragraph to the next. Just adhere to the guidelines stated above, and you'll be well on your way to writing a fantastic persuasive essay. Essay writing examples in doc format like the ones given may help direct you in writing an excellent composition. Key Pieces of Topic Examples for Essay The example essay is among the absolute most basic essays in academic writing, but may be exceedingly difficult if you've never written one or don't know what things to write about. A descriptive essay is a brief paper that is about describing or summarizing a topic. For example, you will probably learn to choose or make a best essay topic. There are numerous essay types, and at times the topic itself is as crucial as the kind of the essay you're assigned. Sample persuasive essays can also offer inspiration on topics to write on in addition to serve as examples about how to compose your essay. Most essays gain from writers that have a crystal clear comprehension of what it is they would like to share and the way they feel about doing it. Creative essays should have a topic. Reflective essays are extremely personal thus, they're a special sort of essay. Argumentative topics can be a number of the widest-reaching essay assignments on Earth. Example essays concentrate on one principal idea that you prove with various specific, convincing examples. An argumentative essay is a certain sort of academic writing. Writing an argumentative essay can occasionally be confusing since you don't necessarily understand how to compose a convincing argument. Qualities of a fantastic persuasive essay topic The topic ought to be specific. Locate the trustworthy information for the essay topic you will work on. You need to be very careful when choosing an essay topic. List three to five topics that you're interested in or would love to write about. Understanding how to settle on a topic is vital for all writing, and below is a concise guide explaining the best way to do it. Picking a boring topic since it is simple to write about. Selecting an excellent topic for your essay is among the most essential and frequently tricky parts for many students. Possessing very good research abilities and selecting an excellent topic is essential. New Questions About Topic Examples for Essay Just make certain your essay has a superior flow and that it's simple for different readers to comprehend. It should include recent statistics and information from reliable sources. If it comes to writing essays in college, most of us need somewhere to start. You may make an academic reflective essay or you could make it like a general and informal bit of writing. If you can't keep updating the info that you have, you can write irrelevant content in the technical essay example. The aim of brainstorming is to help you receive ideas. The topic i s remodeling your house. A topic of your composition is among the essential facets of a thriving composition. You should make sure you remain on that 1 side during your whole essay. A source-by-source structure is easily the most popular. If you're stuck on the best way to compose an example essay, you can stick to a few easy actions to dig yourself out of the rut and compose an example essay that you're able to be pleased with. With an outline to direct your writing procedure, you can find with an essay that's more coherent and which has a very clear structure. The fantastic thing about science is there are so many topics you are able to write about regardless of which course you're taking. If your topic is racism, don't just speak about racism, speak about the racism in a particular country or inside a definite period. Thus, the topic you select plays a very important function. An intriguing topic can be quite so difficult you can not compose a single word, even when you are craving to achieve that.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Social Psychology And Its Impact On Individual Behavior
Social psychology has evolved through history and its developments and contributions have been remarkable. This specialized area of psychology studies various topics that are significant for human beings (Ross, Lepper, Ward, 2010). This paper presents with an overview of social psychology by addressing its central themes, strengths, limitations, relevance, and the significance of cultural considerations. Central themes Three central themes are apparent in social psychology research. These themes are group influence, subjectism, and non-obvious experimental demonstrations. Studies of power of group on individual behavior dominated in the early days of social psychology research. Researchers recognized that both explicit and implicit group norms are important. Moreover, reference groups serve as a source of norms and are closely associated with a degree of satisfaction with individual life situations (Ross, Lepper, Ward, 2010). Based on these recognitions, there was the development of social comparison theory, which focused on the drive for self-evaluation based on comparison with others (Festinger, 1954). Other bodies of study involving group influence include topics, which related to intergroup relations, cultural influences, and group verses individual estimates, judgments, and predictions (Ross, Lepper, Ward, 2010). Subjectism as a theme in social psychology has stood in an oppos ition to behaviorism, which left no room for individual mental processes. SocialShow MoreRelatedSocial Psychology And Its Impact On Individual Behavior, Attitudes, Perceptions, And Motives Essay2094 Words  | 9 PagesIntroduction What is social change? It is a change within a community; a change in the social relationships. For a society to exist there has to be social relationships. Therefore, for change to exist for the entire society it would have to be within those relationships. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Scouting Out Prejudice By Harper Lee - 1817 Words
Wafa Tamimi Pre-AP English 9 Mrs. Marcus 7 December 2015 Scouting Out Prejudice â€Å"I mean in Maycomb County. The thing about it is, our kind of folks don’t like the Cunninghams, the Cunninghams don’t like the Ewells, and the Ewells hate and despise the colored folks†(303). In Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird, Maycomb County prejudices people based on their background and social class. In Maycomb County you must act as your social class to be appropriate and fit to your â€Å"kind†of people. The hate for lower classes get worse the lower it gets. Harper Lee divulges on how social class effects the way people are treated. She shows how higher classes think they are superior to the lower classes, they think the lower classes are â€Å"trashy†and â€Å"uncivilized†. Harper Lee reveals socioeconomic prejudice in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by using characters in fictional Maycomb’s upper, middle, and lower classes. Harper Lee portrays socioeconomic prejudice in upper class. Townsfolk are the main people in the upper class. They think of themselves as normal, â€Å"There’s the ordinary people like us and the neighbors†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (302). This quote is describing how the townsfolk are revealed as the ordinary people and others are not. The colored folks can never be high class because the high class is proper and civilized. They think that the lower classes can never achieve that no matter what they do. The white folks take advantage of being upper class. Townsfolk in Maycomb County doShow MoreRelatedScouting Out Racism By Harper Lee1487 Words  | 6 PagesScouting Out Racism Harper Lee s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, has remained enormously popular since its publication in 1960. Recalling her experiences as a six-year-old from an adult perspective, Jean Louise Finch describes the circumstances involving her father, Atticus, and his legal defense of Tom Robinson, a local black man falsely accused of raping a white woman. In the three years surrounding the trial, Scout and her older brother, Jem, witness the unjust consequencesRead More Symbolism and Allegory in To Kill a Mockingbird Essay3753 Words  | 16 PagesSymbolism and Allegory in To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee uses symbolism extensively throughout To Kill a Mockingbird,, and much of it refers to the problems of racism in the South during the early twentieth century. Harper Lees effective use of racial symbolism and allegory can be seen by studying various examples from the book, namely the actions of the children, of the racist whites, and of Atticus Finch. One of the more effective allegories in the novel is the building of a snowmanRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pagesxi Questions for Review 192 Experiential Exercise Biases in Decision Making 193 Ethical Dilemma Do Unethical Decisions Come from Bad Character? 193 Case Incident 1 Computerized Decision Making 194 Case Incident 2 Predictions That Didn’t Quite Pan Out 195 7 Motivation Concepts 201 Defining Motivation 202 Early Theories of Motivation 203 Hierarchy of Needs Theory 203 †¢ Theory X and Theory Y 205 †¢ Two-Factor Theory 205 †¢ McClelland’s Theory of Needs 207 Contemporary Theories of Motivation
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Getting Started in Small Business for Dummies
Question: Discuss about the Getting Started in Small Business for Dummies. Answer: Introduction The activities such as data collection, recording the transactions in the books, and preparation of the financial statements were used to be done manually when the automated accounting systems were not developed. With the increased business complexities, it was perceived difficult to maintain the accounting records manually and thus, the automated accounting systems were developed (Gelinas, Dull, Wheeler, 2014). Today, there are many accounting software programs being developed, among them MYOB is the one that is popular all around the world. MYOB provides solution to the problems of manual accounting system by automating the business processes such as accounting, financial reporting, and human resource functions. MYOB helps in integrated the core business function and make them work on real time basis (Curtis, 2012). In this context, the report presented here focuses on identifying the problems with the manual system being used by I SEE Company and provides solution to those problem s. Summary Table: Difficulties/Inefficiencies in Manual System and Benefits of MYOB S. No. Before MYOB (Manual System) Difficulties/Inefficiencies Benefits of MYOB 1. The booking process was time consuming Booking process became speedy (MYOB, 2017). 2. The calculations were prone to mistakes The calculations became accurate (MYOB, 2017). 3. The integration between different departments such as accounting and sales was missing or ineffective The integration between different departments such as sales, HR, and accounting became effective (MYOB, 2017). 4. The financial information could not be extracted on a real time basis The extraction of financial information became on a real time basis (MYOB, 2017). Economic Transactions in Small Business The small business would have simple economic transitions related to purchase and sales of goods and assets like office, furniture, and store items etc. Further, the economic transactions related to expense payments such as rent, salary, and utility bills will also be there in the small business. The complex transactions related to financial instruments might not be there in the small business. However, the simple economic transactions also become complex when the volume of transactions increases. With the increase in the size of business, the volume of transactions increases which makes the accounting and booking process complex appealing for automation of the processes (Taylor, 2003). In the current case of I SEE Company, there were not much problems when the company was operating with one store. However, as soon as, the company expanded business by opening three new stores, the problems in handing the business affairs started creeping in. Benefits of Using an Online Accounting Software Tool Implementing the use of online accounting software tool helps in automating the essential functions and business processes of a firm. The business processes related to bookkeeping, financial reporting, sales and marketing, human resource and administration are automated by implementing the use of online accounting software. The automation of the business processes is advantageous as it leads to speedy and accurate working (Siddiqui, 2011). The activities such as invoicing, journalizing the transitions, preparing income statement and balance sheet, budget forecasts, costing estimations, all become effective and less time consuming. Further, the overall managerial decision making process is also improved with the use of online accounting software. The information needs of the management can be accomplished on a real time basis in an effective manner through the use of online accounting software (Siddiqui, 2011). Problems Faced by Lydia and Sam in manual Accounting System Lydia and Sam manages a business of small sized business in the name of I SEE Company. I SEE engages in the business of purchase and sale of eyewear and eye care products. The company was running its business through one store till now, but looking at the increased demand, it has expanded by owning three more stores in the local area. The problem in front of Lydia and Sam is that they use manual accounting system and due to increase in business volume, it is proving to be inefficient and ineffective. With the use of manual accounting system, Lydia and Sam are not able to record the financial transactions on time basis. Further, they are also facing problems of inaccuracy in their work of transaction recording. Apart from this, the accounting records of each store are maintained separately leading to additional work of consolidation. Further, there is no integration of the accounting and bookkeeping processes with the other business processes such as stock maintenance, sales and marke ting. This is leading to delay in information extraction for different purposes like placing purchase orders and stock levels. Due to non availability of timely information, the problems are encountered in maintaining the stock levels in the cost effective manner. Use of MYOB in Recording Economic Transactions MYOB accounting system provides customer friendly solution to the bookkeeping and financial reporting related problems. In particular MYOB is considered to be the most useful accounting software for the small and medium sized business (MYOB, 2017). The accounting process in manual system is very time consuming because it involves many steps to be carried out manually. However, the company can use MYOB accounting software to perform multiple tasks at one time. The use of MYOB is demonstrated in the following three economic transactions to be undertaken by I SEE Company: Economic Transaction-1: Purchase of Material The company purchase material from the suppliers, which requires journal entry to record purchase and then posting the transaction to the purchase ledger, supplier ledger, and stock ledger. The company can perform the task of journal entry and posting to ledgers simultaneously by using MYOB. The accountant needs to enter the journal entry only and rest of the work i.e. posting to ledgers, updating the control accounts, trial balance, income statement, and balance sheet will automatically be done. Further, the stock balance would also be updated (MYOB, 2010). At the time of sale of goods, MYOB first can be used in preparing the invoice. Then after that journal entry to debit the customer account and credit the sales account would be made using accounting codes in MYOB. Further, the rest of tasks such as posting to ledgers and control accounts, update in trial balance, income statement, and balance sheet would automatically be made. Further, MYOB will also update the stock account (MYOB, 2010). The calculation of payroll can be done automatically in MYOB by putting the basic data such as wages rates and hour worked etc. Further, payroll taxes would also get adjusted using MYOB (MYOB, 2010). Limitations or Risks in Implementing MYOB First of all implementing MYOB in I SEE would be a challenging task because it would bring changes in the processes within the company. Generally, employees are found resist to change, thus, managing that change adequately and persuading the employees to adopt the changes would the biggest challenge. Further, the company would be required to arrange IT infrastructure to implement MYOB because till now they are working with manual system (Fick and Sprague, 2013). Arranging the IT hardware and software resources would also be a challenging task for the management of the company. Further, there are certain limitations of MYOB that the company will have to face as listed below: Skilled and trained Staff is required to operate MYOB. MYOB increases the cost of the company that may reduce the profits initially (Youraccountant, 2017). MYOB is suitable to the small and medium sized businesses only. As the size of business enhances the utility of MYOB decreases. It is the fact that advent of the information technology has brought significant positive changes in every sphere of life, but at the same time, it has also given rise many risks. Using the automated accounting systems is advantageous to the business in many ways, but it exposes the business to the risk of data theft and manipulations (Anthony, 2007). Thus, there exists a risk of information loss if the computerized information system is used for accounting and maintaining records. The Company I SEE will be required to have in place stringent mechanism to prevent the data from unauthorized access. Further, the risk of manipulations in the books of accounts has also increased due to the use of computerized accounting environment. It is easier to change the data in the computer systems as compared to the manual system, thus, it increases the risk of manipulations in the financial statements (Anthony, 2007). Conclusion The discussion in this report revolves around the use of computerized accounting systems over the manual accounting systems. From the discussion, it can be observed that the manual accounting system creates many problems when the size of business increases. The increase in the size of business increases the complexities in accounting processes. Thus, switching to the computerized accounting systems is necessary to make the processes effective and efficient. There are many advantages of using computer based accounting system like MYOB. The bookkeeping and financial reporting process becomes speedier and accurate that increases the employees efficiency. However, the organization has to face challenges in implementing the computer based accounting system such as managing the change and cost effectiveness. Further, there will be requirement to protect the data from unauthorized access. References Anthony. 2007. Accounting - Text Cases 12E. Tata McGraw-Hill Education. Curtis, V. 2012. Getting Started in Small Business for Dummies. John Wiley Sons. Fick, G. and Sprague, R.H. 2013. Decision Support Systems: Issues and Challenges: Proceedings of an International Task Force Meeting June 23-25, 1980. Elsevier. Gelinas, U.J., Dull, R.B., Wheeler, P. 2014. Accounting Information Systems. Cengage Learning. MYOB. 2010. User Guide. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 23 March 2017]. MYOB. 2017. Daiwa Food Corporation: Implementation success story, almost overnight. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 23 March 2017]. MYOB. 2017. MTOB Business Basics. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 23 March 2017]. Siddiqui, A.S. 2011. Comprehensive Accountancy XI. Laxmi Publications. Taylor, P. 2003. Book-keeping Accounting for the Small Business: How to Keep the Books and Maintain Financial Control Over Your Business. How To Books Ltd. Youraccountant. 2017. Summary of Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Accounting Systems. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 23 March 2017].
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